Sounded like a disco
Musta turned the dial for a couple of miles
But I couldn't find no rock n' roll
This computerized crap ain't gettin' me off
Everywhere I go - the kids wanna rock" - Bryan Adams
First off, just wanted to remind everyone that the band folk and I will be playing some new jams and some old faves at Pete's Candy Store in Brooklyn this coming Monday night (8/2, 8p) as we celebrate (somewhat belatedly) the release of my newest long player, "Queens English". If you're free, please join us as we make a racket in the back room then retire to Pete's awesome garden for a mid-summer night's libation under the stars. Details below -
Mark Bacino
Mon. August 2, 2010 - 8pm
Pete's Candy Store
709 Lorimer Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
*Free Admission*
Lastly, in quick literary transition from live to Memorex - It struck me this week, in a wave of randomness, just how much I rely upon YouTube vids these days while investigating new musical finds. After, say, reading about a new band or artist, I find myself, almost reflexively, hitting my YouTube browser tab long before heading to iTunes, MySpace, etc. Usually I find your standard issue, MTV-era, bells and whistles video or a DIY Flip Cam vid but sometimes I land on a fan made clip, as I'm sure you have, consisting of nothing more than a tune from the band in question along with a static picture lasting the entire duration of the song. You would think given the obvious nature of YouTube as a visual platform this would be a detriment to the video's popularity but often I find these "static" vids to have thousands of plays. Go figure - The fascinating nexus of YouTube as Web 2.0 jukebox and modern man's uncanny ability to bend technology toward never intended uses coupled with his timeless need to simply get his groove on.
It's with all these lofty concepts in mind that I thought it might be fun to post some music from my new album in simple, YouTube neo-jukebox form -
I suppose no matter the medium, the kids still wanna rock.
A wise Canuck that Mr. Adams, no?