Conceived as a sort of completist's companion piece to the "Queens English" LP and included as part of the "QE" Deluxe Edition , "Brooklynese" contains some outtakes and demos culled from the "QE" studio sessions.
Since the "QE" LP received a track-by-track breakdown on this Blog in the weeks leading up to it's release, I figure it only fair to give it's King's county counterpart the same treatment in similar (albeit condensed) fashion so here goes...
"Brooklynese" EP -
Trk. 1: "Neighborhood Girl" - Discussed briefly in this space via an earlier post, this tune was actually the first song recorded for the "QE" album. Although lyrically in keeping with the theme of the record, as the recording of the album progressed, "Neighborhood Girl" unfortunately began to reveal itself as musically the odd-man-out amongst this collection of new songs. With it's modern pop production values stylistically more at home, say, on a Fountains of Wayne record than on one of my records, I ultimately made the tough call of excluding the song from the final "QE" running order. I think I made the right choice in terms of the overall sonic vibe of the album but that said, I was sad to see the song cast to the wilderness. Featuring long-time Rollins Band drummer, Sim Cain, I'm happy "Neighborhood Girl" can finally get her day in the sun via this EP.
Trk. 2: "Muffin in the Oven (demo)" - Recorded as a rough and tumble blueprint intended as a guide for the session players on the official album recording and featuring maybe the world's first heavy metal kazoo solo, this demo is not without it's homespun charm. Another highlight (or possible attempt to avoid further kazoo abuse) features a decision to flesh out what would eventually become the track's horn arrangements using the vocal prowess of 'The Markettes' (I know them pretty well and they work cheap).
Trk. 3: "Bridge & Tunnel (demo)" - Recorded as a sketch for what would eventually become a solely orchestral rendering on the album and featuring a more earthy, acoustic-driven, back-porch feel, this demo presents a totally different and (hopefully) interesting take on this "QE" cut.
Trk. 4: "Make Something Happen" - Loosely intended to be fashioned into a song for the "QE" album, this tune's basic chord changes and melody line ultimately became the basis of a pitch my 'shilling-for-the-man' alter-ego made for, of all things, an Amex commercial jingle. Sadly (or fortunately depending upon how you look at it), the track never made the cut. When listening try and picture Ellen DeGeneres dancing to this Wilson-esque little ditty. Sorry if that mental image is distressing.
For more info on the "Brooklynese" EP or the "Queens English" Deluxe Edition, visit DreamCrush Music.